Random Financial Thoughts – Word Vomit of sorts

I’m sitting here tonight. A bit cold in this AirBnB in the new world I’ve been thinking about and “dreaming” towards. I have $3,000 in my pocket that I need to make into a check for the landlord tomorrow. 5 years I went without paying rent and here I’m about to again. So weird. I guess it’s a bit better in the sense that it should be only $450/ month in the big city because of the place I’ve decided on and the roomy I have. I hope things work out.

I am re-doing my resume today. I went back to my old one because I at least had 4 job offers with it once so it has been tried and true at one point or another. The new one…… well I learned you shouldn’t add a pic so I have 86’ed that guy.

But honestly, I keep thinking about that fucking asian woman down south. She had two AirBnB buildings. TWO! On my merry little way out of her house, I saw she had a hair salon in the garage. Not a single actual tool most humans would have in a garage. Mind blown. Bitch rents out rooms and cuts hair. Talk about making it. I mean she has two effing pieces of real estate!!!! I need a job…. just so I can buy another place. I don’t give a rats ass about the job so much. I just need it to buy. Kinda funky how that works. Of course I don’t want to run through my funds or safety net either, so a job is helpful in aiding that situation.

But I’m sitting here trying to apply for jobs and asking myself…. “what the fuck are you doing?!?!”. My father… bless his heart… owns 5 pieces of property. Small city, but still owns 5. He’s starting to talk about how well he is doing and that he can leave his retail job. I make about 600 in cash flow a month off of my property right now. But realize I make the full amount of rent per month because they are also paying down my mortgage. So….. why am I so sad? BECAUSE! I don’t like this “feel stressed because I don’t have a job”. But I’m not stressed! But I am! What the fuck does that even mean. Well I’m stressed because I know it is a societal norm to feel stressed when you don’t have a job. But…. my car is paid for. I have no debt. I guess now I have rent I have to pay. Why am I stressed? I have money to cover my expenses. I live cheaply. And I have more money being generated by my asset every month. So again…. why stressed? Well…. because that’s the american norm. Live. Work. Get Paid. Spend. Continue. So when you aren’t part of the norm, your fucking weird. Like I go get a 27,000 check written for a car…. I’m fucking weird. I move to a new city and get an apartment without a job…. but I have $ in the bank to show I’m good for paying rent…. I’m fucking weird.

I don’t like feeling weird!!! My financial decisions to this day are “weird”. Therefore the way I am today is “weird”. And I don’t want to work for some ungrateful company that isn’t going to pay me what I think I should be paid. I don’t!!! Why?! Because! No one owns me! And for fuck sakes there’s plenty of opportunity in these United States of America for me to do whatever I’d like to do. But places look at you funny when you don’t do it the way everyone has learned. So I’m what? A fat Divergent in the Divergent series? Lord knows not a one of them had a tummy. Ha. So I’m like a Diverged Divergent? Good lord.

My dad wants to work to get that SSI when he retires. I’m aware that SSI is a joke and you have to plan ahead to support yourself. I see these old people like my sweet grandma getting a small paycheck to live off of. $30,000/ year is what she made I believe and now she is getting that tiny SSI check from the government and she’s maxing it out for all of her bills. Her property tax just went up though. So now it’s even tighter! Do I want to grow old and live this way? Work my ass off today for nothing tomorrow? She feels very good about the work she put in in those years at Sears. Yet…. she has very little now. I love this woman to bits!!! I do. And it breaks my heart to know deep down that she was screwed her entire life and now she’s dealing with the repercussions. She did everything she was supposed to do. Had a job, two kids, bought a home, had some pets. She’s okay. She’s not in hot water, but it isn’t getting cheaper and her SSI isn’t increasing. She doesn’t have anything other than the retirement money SHE SAVED (HA! Fuck SSI). But she pulled out in the market crash of 2008 because they didn’t want to lose the money they had. It never went back into the market and therefore never rebuilt. She didn’t lose anything but she didn’t gain anything. I have some money in the market and some in real estate. I let both do whatever they are going to do for the time being.

I know there’s more out there and I’m reading about it. I can’t quite see how it’s done without a job right now. And I haven’t got a clue how an 18 year old buys 50 doors by the time he’s 30. But I’ve heard of it. And I don’t know the secret. Surely he didn’t have enough of his own cash to do that? Granted it’s monopoly. You build one set of hotels, and one of most properties and you bend every one of your family members over as you watch their money disappear and properties become re-mortgaged. Even if it’s just St. James Place. I mean at that point the rest of the family sees they will lose and gets mad at you that you won’t give out one of the properties of the colors they own 2 of. They get mad and throw a tantrum about it and quit because everyone can see you will win. But if the family has that perspective, tell me exactly why they do the day to day “American Dream” method? Why? I’m bored of it. I see so much more in this world than going to work spending money and going back to work to spend…. yep. More money. I don’t like it.

So I’m trying to figure out ways I can maybe run an AirBnB as my day job. I mean for now it would make sense. Washing sheets sure beats the fuck out of listening to people bitch about how awful you are for not predicting the fail of their primary production server but never saying thanks when you proactively clear the disk space so it doesn’t fail in the first place. I mean…. seriously. And yeah…. start your own business. Isn’t finding clever ways to get $ through a service or renting a way to do that though? A way to run your own business? A way to squeeze pennies from the average American’s pocket? Car wash? AirBnB service fees? NETFLIX! You pay for some of these services that require little to no actually upkeep. I mean sure Netflix has to maintain servers, they have to maintain all sorts of things, and a support department, but do you think those things actually cost that much in the grand scheme of things? Hell no, they do not.

The question is, how do I get money from someone else in a way they are okay paying for it? Rent. Yep. Rent. People need something, they are accustomed to paying for it. Dealership makes trade in’s easy. They’ve learned they can fuck someone by giving them a low price on their used car and sell another used car for a higher price to that person. Between the two, they essentially rob the customer of a shit ton of money. But it’s easy and I can get the new shiny truck. Yep. You can. And you can add on to your already insane debt because your a dumbass and didn’t pay attention to what just happened.

Someone dies. How many hands… and I’m not just talking about family…. are ready to stick their hands in that cake? Hm? Well. You have all the family that have to come see the deceased (plane tickets). You have the funeral services ($10, your loved on is worth, yeah, $10 sounds good so they can rest in piece. We all know that in the heads of the mourners that they pay that money “for a good place for their loved one”). You pay for nice things right? Don’t worry. Caterers want to eat into your profits. Or …. let your family eat into your profits rather. Ha! Believe me, it goes on. Every opportunity… every life event, someone tries to capitalize on. It’s logical right? In American culture yes. Do you think an apartment complex of 25 units needs to charge for washers and dryers? Fuck no. They make plenty off the tenants. Opportunity. That’s what life is. I’m just trying to figure out which opps I want to seize. For now I’ll retain the American mindset. Tomorrow…..