First of the year stuffs


  • Put up 2 carport walls.
  • Put carpet in three bedrooms; painted all of them.
  • Performed an eviction successfully
  • Re-rented out rooms as necessary
  • Professionally wired some of the surveillance cameras
  • New curtains in bedrooms and kitchen
  • New couches to the upstairs living room. Much more homey.
  • Put up shelf in carport for all extra siding.
  • Cleaned up leftovers from shed that was torn down
  • Completely cleaned out the mormon storage room
  • Donated several boxes of unnecessary things
  • Put in bathtub
  • Put in door to basement to mitigate theft issues
  • Re-worked lease to address problems that were not covered.

Boys: I’ve been off and on seeing Jesse. He’s a fairly nice guy. He’s super fucking adorable and he likes me for me. At least I feel like he does. That means a lot with me being 225 pounds. I used to be 150 and I found a superficial man that wanted $$$ and nothing more. He has that now I believe. Back to Jesse: he is a great guy, but he has an addictive personality (per his words). He goes from weed to booze. He disappears and gets overly paranoid and I deal with a lot with him. By deal with I more refer to my own emotion. In the early days, it used to bother me really bad, but he’s made me a bit bullet proof thankfully so I can handle these things better. I’m getting better at handling emotional things a little better all the way around. Still have a hard time though when people threaten legal action against me. In those cases I get VERY anxious. I think that has to do with my step dad threatening me in that tone all the time. Not too sure. He said he loved me like 3 times then follows that with “I don’t know what love is”. He doesn’t really give me the warm fuzzies I hope for out of a potential bf but what relationship is ever 100% peachy and happy? I mean seriously. So I’m not mad or upset I’m just…. cautious. He’s already got a record for disappearing. I’ve met like all of his family and they are nice people. Is it weird that it bothers me just a little that he comments on hot guys all the time and calls me cute and says there is a difference between hot and cute? It’s so true, but the old romantic me thinks that whole situation would go down a little differently.

Grandma is doing okay but she is so bull headed. I suggested she move to a one story house because grandpa can barely get up the stairs but she has been there so long, it would take a fire burning down the house for her to consider moving. Note I said CONSIDER. My dad seems to be happy having a baby to take care of. He’s a really good father in the loving caring way. He just fails in giving the appropriate amount of time. Or so he did when I was growing up. My sister? Still using Curtis to watch the baby and looking for another bf. My dad got her to take the baby — on a date. 🙂 I find that to be SOOO funny!!!! She does need to be more responsible with the baby though.

School has been stressing. This is the first semester in a while which I have not been prepared for. I feel like I’m wasting my time going to school. And money. I spend about 12 hours on public transit. I do not like it. On the bright side I have only one more class after this semester to get my associates and a certification! So that’s a plus.

Other stuff…. I think I want to get a Lancer.

Status Updates/ Goals and Plans (Positive Post)

Things seem to be going well. I just registered for my Fall classes. I did it a little late so I can’t take all 15 credits like I anticipated, but 9 is better than nothing. It will help me get used to things I suppose. I’m pretty excited and nervous. This school is a pain in the ass with their crappy confusing system, but I guess it works for them. 

I’m trying to get my dad to use and it looks like he will be doing so. I’m rather excited to play a part in managing his apartments and building a business out of it since that is something he has been interested in doing for a long time now. Just time to get him in gear finally….. Sheesh

No men are presently in my life and I don’t expect that to change. I think Andrew is a sweet guy though and he might give me a change of heart, but I’m treading lightly.