Great news!!

So the good, the great, and the awesome news! I just managed to get my room rented out thankfully. I had also updated my camera software (ISPY) for all of my IP cams and it fucked up EVERYTHING. 😦 On a more positive note I fixed it today. Turns out it was a problem with the firewall blocking the necessary ports for the inbound communication to the software. Installed another IP camera in my surveillance/ server room as well as I’m going to move the analog one outside somewhere. I also modified a few settings to make recording more efficient and more high quality. The server just sits there all day so I want high quality recordings whenever possible. I also modified the layout so i can see previous recordings right away which is much more efficient in my opinion. I feel great to have it working again.

As far as work, I put my two weeks notice in on Friday as I got another job with a Mortgage company as a help desk technician. I’m really hoping the grass is greener. I realized today when I was cleaning off my computer (securely deleting of course) that I didn’t have much on here in the first place for fear of being fired all the time. I think this is something that has caused a bit of a problem for me and might be a part of my weight gain. I really really hope this next job will be better. I also found a nice bench a few days ago to sit at outside and relax right across from my current job. Too bad I only get to enjoy it for another week. As for my boss, he was surprisingly kind of sad that I was leaving and he said he would try to find something, but Monday rolled around (the day we were supposed to have a chat) and he hasn’t said anything. I’m guessing the bosses or whomever he talked to just told him to let me go and maybe something else because he hasn’t really been all that nice. I submitted my two week notice to HR as well. Kind of feels nice and I saw the light at the end of the tunnel today.

Finally school: these next two weeks will be stressful because I have a new job and because I have some assignments due all at the same time. Thankfully I finished one of my classes already so just two more to go. Another huge friggin 90 question test though which totally sucks. I got my taxes submitted and my fingers are crossed I did it right. I felt good about everything except the school. It says to put how much I actually paid for school and my calculation was 700 higher than what they said it was through the paper they sent. Anyhow though, the last thing to bring up is boys. Same guys still. All 3 of them. None of them feel quite the same as one Jesse did but he’s gone now what can I say? I’m not too sad about that anymore in fact I’m weirded out his name came up at all today. Anyhow. Easter is coming. Almost time for discounted hollow bunnies!!! How could a person not be happy about that?! 🙂 Rented out my room too btw. To a girl named Sarah. I really hope she is cool, but we will know soon enough!! Oh Lucifer is doing good as usual and Charlie the brown fat rat that came with the free cage (I have to say that because I haven’t mentioned him and I can never remember who is who)… has a huge tumor and probably not much longer to live so I feed him lots of goodies.