I could puke…

And it’s not because of the salty ramen and peas I just ate.

I decided to look up average number of sexual partners for men throughout their life. Turns out the number is approximately 7-10 on average through their lifetime. Then I looked at women… usually even less. Okay, that’s fantastic. So how about the real information that is pertinent to me? Gay males. That statistic showed 501-1000 is the average. Dude I’m kind of heart broken. I gave up my ‘standards’ that I would have a monogamous relationship already but this is annoying. I think I may be up to 100 possibly. Maybe. I think for sure above 50. But 1000?!?!?! What is the fucking point?! How about 1000 fucks with someone I love? Yeah, that sounds ideal. Now let me step back out of my fairytale for a moment. I’m just disappointed. I like living a normal life where I do stuff with my day like today a bike ride and walk in the park. I don’t like the idea that ‘to be normal’ I should have my phone out 24/7 looking for hookups. God dude…. I don’t want to have a nice body because the chances are better that I might use it!!!! I really wish today that I could go straight. I used to and then I was okay with life, but after these stats and my already hopeless feelings about finding love, I just don’t see any benefit to being gay! It’s nice that I make a decent amount of money and have a good savings but…. I want to go out and do things once in a while. Just once in a while. But I don’t want to do things solo. Some things can be fun that way, but not everything.

I’m just sincerely disappointed. And the worst part about all of this is I lie to like every guy that asks me how many guys I fucked because 1. I don’t know and 2. I don’t want to look like a slut. No one else does either which is why I’m willing to bet they lie about how many they have slept with.

Just brings back the dreary feeling of…. “am I going to find someone true”? Sigh.

6 thoughts on “I could puke…

    1. I have to say that does make me feel better. I checked 3 sites to make sure the first wasn’t some kid (like me) writing about his fantasy world. lol. Gross though.

  1. I don’t think that figure is in any way accurate as an average. There are undoubtedly some gay men who fit that profile, but no one — including me — that I know is anywhere close to that.

    1. I invite you to Google the stats and see if you find anything different. I found it on 3 websites. Though it’s not true for all gays of course. And I think it is very much an absurd amount.

      1. I did a quick search.

        Huffington Post reported much lower numbers. (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/05/06/gay-men-partner-survey_n_3223447.html)

        An anti-gay Christian group claims higher numbers like the ones you quoted. (https://carm.org/statistics-homosexual-promiscuity)

        These anti-gay types of groups are well-known for citing shoddy research that bolsters their anti-gay attitudes. When you look at any statistic, it’s worth asking where it came from.

      2. Well yes, of course, but there was a website where one guy admitted to doing that in NYC and wasn’t ashamed. Though most people replied with “gross”. lol. 🙂 And hey dude, this is my blog, a random ass me space. I do not claim all information to be 100% and I don’t research things into the ground. However, this makes me feel better to hear the stats aren’t what I found in the top 5 google search results. Though it’s sad Google found those to be the most relevant.

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