Gray Hair! FML

So I found a hair that looks like a very bright silver color today. It stands out from a ways away. It might have just been the way the light was hitting it, but I’m pretty sure it was a single silver hair coming out of the side of my head. I wouldn’t be too surprised given the amount of stress I deal with day to day.

On the note of stress, work is a big one. The thing I haven’t grasped yet though is: After you’ve dealt with the same bullshit day in and day out with no changes, eventually (for me) it doesn’t have the same effect. I kind of just don’t care. I suppose this could be known as burn out. Either way, I wonder if it has the same negative stress impact on the body as it did when it legitimately was on my mind 24/7. I suppose it does in a way. It has more of a “when am I going to lose my job” type of feel. Truth is though…. this ship seems to be sinking. I passed up a job for an additional 7k/ year because I was hoping this would turn into something real. So far, it’s just the same shit different day model. Yuck. I don’t get to do site visits really anymore either which was my favorite part. My boss is maybe trying to squeeze me out or just thinks there are bigger plans. As my ex would say that annoyed me to no fucking end “who knows?”. Truthfully though, this job compared to my job last year…. I liked the environment there better in terms of the building. I don’t like this building at all or it’s location. If I’m going to spend 8 hours a day trapped in an office, it would be nice to be near some goddamn windows or at least have a cube with some decent desks.

Anyhow. On a separate note, I cannot stress how important cyber security is. From 2 step authentication to using randomly generated passwords for security questions, it is so freaking important. I’ve managed to find all of my roommates’ LastPass details simply because he didn’t log off. I hated 2 step authentication before, but I’m definitely falling in love now. That gave me access to bank data, dropbox,,,, multiple personal gmail, outlook, and accounts. It’s scary how much can be done to a person.

It’s strange to think that security doesn’t matter as much when you are with someone that doesn’t really care about you. This guy I’ve been chatting with…. he’s definitely ready for a companionship, but I want a relationship. I wouldn’t be very worried about him getting into my stuff (except bank related bits) because I just don’t think he would care enough about any of my personal stuff to really dive in. Anyhow. I don’t see it working. And I don’t really have the hope of finding a bf anymore. Companionship is easy to find, but the real mother fucking deal….. that’s a challenge.

Ah. Totally random side note. Didn’t even get to see the fireworks this year. They have always been my favorite so it’s kinda sad. I remember I used to get the tingles in my tummy imagining being with a guy to watch them together. Then I met my ex and he had to drag me to some other crazy spot with his family and I could never really feel the feeling I was hoping to get. Now that feeling is REALLY hard to come by. I guess they also moved the show further down the river. I don’t know how well I’d enjoy that. When I went this weekend to visit family, I stood on the pier and looked out at like 2 or 3am. It really is a beautiful place. It’s one of those things that are hard to capture in a photo. To give you an idea though, a photo has been posted below. At 3am with the city lights reflecting off the water.. absolutely stunning. And there are some water features up the road that are fucking phenomenal. I think the reason I love them so much is because I was at a really good point in my life and I was with an amazing man at the time (in other words a memory). The whole time I compared myself then (6-7 years ago) to now. I’m really proud in a lot of ways of where I am now, but I’m not where I had envisioned. Honestly, what I had envisioned was maybe not as realistic though. If I had found that man that could’ve supported us while I went to school, I might have my bachelors degree today. If I had parents that could afford to have me live at home both financially and mentally, I might have my bachelors degree today. And if I had the drive to just get it the fuck out of the way already, I might have my bachelors degree today. I can pin it on whatever I want can’t I? πŸ™‚ At the end of the day, it all comes down to me getting it done for myself. Not for anyone else. Not really the life I’d hoped for, but it’s definitely the one I was given.

Image result for idaho falls pier at night

Lastly – the gym… still going. Still noticing differences. With any luck, I can stunt my gray hair growth. πŸ™‚ I’m not sure I want to take my roomy anymore though. He had the audacity yesterday to ask me “are you up for some coffee?” and of course in my head I thought hm… I can’t tell if he’s offering or not, but even if not, a little outing might not be so bad. A few seconds later he clarified in saying “It’s triple point day and I was hoping to steal your receipt to get the extra points”. To which I said “ah, you know, I’m more of a Starbucks guy, sorry”. Fuck my roomies. Fuck humans and fuck the idea of friends. How does this relate to the gym? Well I take him on my membership since I get to take someone with me and… I don’t think I’m going to continue on with it. My roomies don’t do shit for me. My other roomy says “if you’d come upstairs, we’d probably hang out more”. I said “your welcome to text me and ask”. He said “well, I feel I shouldn’t have to to hang out with you”. Then I get a text from him asking to use the washer. I laugh and ignore the request for a couple days. Fuck ’em.

I know all of this was all over the place. I apologize. I just had a lot of stuff come to mind! πŸ™‚


I could puke…

And it’s not because of the salty ramen and peas I just ate.

I decided to look up average number of sexual partners for men throughout their life. Turns out the number is approximately 7-10 on average through their lifetime. Then I looked at women… usually even less. Okay, that’s fantastic. So how about the real information that is pertinent to me? Gay males. That statistic showed 501-1000 is the average. Dude I’m kind of heart broken. I gave up my ‘standards’ that I would have a monogamous relationship already but this is annoying. I think I may be up to 100 possibly. Maybe. I think for sure above 50. But 1000?!?!?! What is the fucking point?! How about 1000 fucks with someone I love? Yeah, that sounds ideal. Now let me step back out of my fairytale for a moment. I’m just disappointed. I like living a normal life where I do stuff with my day like today a bike ride and walk in the park. I don’t like the idea that ‘to be normal’ I should have my phone out 24/7 looking for hookups. God dude…. I don’t want to have a nice body because the chances are better that I might use it!!!! I really wish today that I could go straight. I used to and then I was okay with life, but after these stats and my already hopeless feelings about finding love, I just don’t see any benefit to being gay! It’s nice that I make a decent amount of money and have a good savings but…. I want to go out and do things once in a while. Just once in a while. But I don’t want to do things solo. Some things can be fun that way, but not everything.

I’m just sincerely disappointed. And the worst part about all of this is I lie to like every guy that asks me how many guys I fucked because 1. I don’t know and 2. I don’t want to look like a slut. No one else does either which is why I’m willing to bet they lie about how many they have slept with.

Just brings back the dreary feeling of…. “am I going to find someone true”? Sigh.

Leavin’ Me

This was made SEP 25, 2015. It was in drafts so I am publishing today.

So I have a guy by the name of “leavin’ me” in my phone. He’s the one that makes me feel good about myself and I can’t be mad at him very easy. He’s cute as an added bonus. πŸ™‚ But he tells me no. I’ve only known him for 2 weeks. I’m scared though. Of reliving the past. He went from seeing me like EVERY day to disappearing for 3 days to coming back again and then saying he has to leave and can never stay the night. He still lives with his parents. That kind of stuff tends to complicate things. I am not one to judge or anything, but we already have sex every time he comes over, why can’t I wake up with him in my arms? is that so much to ask? Maybe I’m trying to be too romantic or something. I’m not sure. But he seldom texts me on his own. Maybe he needs space. I’m not really sure. I know that it kind of sucks to feel this way though. I’m lost and confused. 😦

From this, I”ve learned I need affection and someones time. Just need to know I’m their focus. It’s not like I have a big family that I’m always doing things with so I get bored. Sucks for me I guess. So It would be nice to have someone that’s kind of the same that wants someone to love them and appreciate them without having the complications of family. This guy wants to move to Colorado. Is his family going with him? i don’t think so. So what exactly is the deal? Is he going to pack his family in a suitcase with him? lol. Guys are such complicated mysteries. Nonetheless. I’m not going to hold my breath much more. When he decides he likes me enough to move to the next step, that’s great but until then, I have a LOT of free time and nothing to do. Except tear down mormon storage in my house. Haha. πŸ™‚ Good times.

Hookup Apps vs Dating Sites

There are a few sites/ apps like Grindr, Jack’d, Manhunt, BoyAHoy, Adam4Adam, OkCupid, PlentyofFish, Scruff etc… but which ones are for dating and which ones are to find to find a piece of ass or dick (depending on your preference of course)? I believe I use most of the ones I listed, if not all of them.Β 

Here is the general view: Grindr, Jack’d, Manhunt, Adam4Adam, and Scruff are for sex and hookups. You should not be on there unless you are looking for just that. And of course, you should have pictures of your dick and ass handy at all times to send to me or us. Then of course there are guys like myself….

My view on all of the sites: If there is a checkbox for “dating/ relationship” then they are not strictly for hookups. Grindr has a bad rap for being known as a hookup app and yeah, it is used that way a LOT. 10 blocks a day is certainly not sufficient for me because I block everyone that lacks a shirt because I’m likely not going to meet them that way. So that means Grindr, Jack’d, Manhunt (yes, shocking, i know), Adam4Adam (also shocking), and the other sites can be used as dating sites. Now don’t get me wrong…. obviously you are going to have more success at OKCUPID or POF than you are going to have at any of those “hookup” apps. But that doesn’t mean they are strictly for sex. Grindr is my main source of dates. Maybe this is why they all fail? LoL. Two arguments to everything.

The point of this little… article? Blog post? Lol. However you may call it, is to explain that the apps/ sites that may usually be used for sex are not JUST for sex and for those of you people reading this, and those people that will never read this… you need to put that in your skull. You really do. The developers would not put a “dating” “long term” “relationship” checkbox if they did not want people to find relationships. So what you use those apps for does not give you the right to chew someone else out because they are not using them the same as you. And yes — i’m aware that makes hunting for ass more difficult when you have to sift through us LTR seekers. But that is why developers also add filters for you to search for what you want. But in some cases…. you just might have to pay for PRO to get rid of us. πŸ™‚ (You nasty people, you).

Remember: These are all opinions and what I think. Comments welcome. To write your own opinion, go to and sign up for your own blog. Thank you! πŸ™‚

Men N Things

I have to laugh that I get followers for my strange rants about guys. LoL. But I guess if someone likes it, that’s a good thing. πŸ™‚

I’m currently talking to 4 guys. Dave, Blake, Nathan, and I don’t know the other guys’ name. Well…. Dave I thought was going to be my mister amazing everything told me the following:

Him:Β Oh really? Maybe we should have more dates. Haha. I do like you.
Me: I think we should….. were you not feeling good about me before?
Him: I was. I was hesitating since I am tired of the heartbreak.
Me: I haven’t been on Grindr since I met you. πŸ™‚
Him:Β I haven’t been on it much either πŸ™‚

It was kind of disheartening to hear that I was putting in more effort than he was. Yes yes yes I know, I jump into things MUCH faster than I should, but he gave me a feeling I haven’t had in a long time….. hope. I don’t know how or why or what makes him different.

Now you are going to say… “WHAT????, your talking about 4 guys and complaining about 1 not being interested in you???” No. I’m staying exclusive to him and kind of making friends out of the other guys. Before, it was more interest but now….. I want this guy. But I’m 10xs more scared to try anything after the things he said than I may have been before.

I really hope tomorrow will be a brighter day. I hope that on Thursday (my next date with him), I can let him know that I care and am interested just in him. Without coming on too strong and being creepy that is. I’m wondering though…. what would be some good calm, cool things to say without being a weirdo?